Spec Ops: The Line: Prevent

At VGA 2009 2K Games showed the trailer for the new “secret” game. From the minute video it became clear: the project again talks about brave American special forces. This time, the action will take place not in Russia and Afghanistan, but in the UAE. Brave guys came there to scrape their face to all evil rebels and mercenaries, simultaneously removing those “cool guys” from the pillars who were not too lucky in this daring mission. The plot from the first minutes, frankly, is not happy – the special forces have already fed up to everyone. The Modern Warfare 2 was recently, which is still driven into and will drive the devil know how much (DLC, new cards and all that). In addition, a primitive tie does not contribute to any depth, in several minutes of gameplay it is noticeable that our hero will mainly kill, and not reveal the features of his character … or who will still be there with him.Raptor Wins Casino login

In the role of Captain Walker (Clear, Cool), we must go in search of Colonel Konrad, who was considered dead until his personal radio transmitter gave a signal. Everyone thinks that the warrior gave the ends, and he was lost somewhere in the ruins of a sandy sand and teeming with bad guys Dubai. The sand is generally the main feature of the game-the fact is that it is pouring out in every way, allowing us to change the landscape at will. For example, dune can rest on a glass roof of a building. We do not even know about him, it is below the level of the “sea”, it has long been falling asleep. And in a shootout, the wild ricocheus still sews the sandy mountain, breaks the glass-and the earth literally begins to run away from under his feet.

Another way of interaction is avalanches that can be caused by military operations. Here are bad guys, smoke, they don’t suspect anything like that, and instead of an open confrontation, we insidiously explode the mountain behind them. Enemies will not have time to come to their senses how they will be filled with sand. Of course, no one will come to dig out.

As for the gameplay, this is the pure Gears of War clone, apparently, without any significant changes. There are thousands of shelters again in front of us, at the other end of the level of thousands of enemies, we need to hide, run, shoot … Let’s just say, after Dark Void, Mass Effect 2 and even Wolfschanze 2 garbage, where Same there is a system “leaned out”, such messages are not pleasing. Of course, we understand that hide and seek is dynamic, fun, simple and convenient for both the developer and the player, but … they are already boring. I just want to scream at the sight of the next project-far?

Already now it can be argued that in the gameplay we will not see anything new. Even the team that will accompany us was already. In the same Mass Effect 2 … or Republician Commando. The bet is made on morality and mental torment – in some places we will be allowed choose, how to act. Who to kill, who to leave alive, how to solve the problem, but … so far there are no specific examples of such interaction. The developers say that we will have to get into the skin of a cruel special forces. However, we know that such promises are rarely fulfilled. Splinter Cell: Double Agent Remember? There, too, we were talking about a difficult moral choice, a system of reputation and trust, its importance … but it turned out that? Each mission can easily go so that everyone will like everything. And the headquarters is satisfied and the terrorists smile. The life of a double agent is not easy, but what about ..

The only thing that really somehow pleases is the appearance. Graphic performance is very impressive. Dubai – city of skyscrapers. Now imagine that there was some kind of “crazy crap” (according to the developer), and now everything looks like … well, to make it clear, in Pripyat, but without anomalies. Plus it is brought in sand to a height of several floors. Our hero is so small and insignificant against the background of the endless yellow Sea and the spiers going into the sky.

ABOUT Spec Ops: The Line There is very little information so far, although the game will come out soon. What is, frankly, leads to gloomy thoughts. Judge for yourself what we have now. The first is the next story about the American special forces Delta Team, which is even called trite. The second is the shelter system, wiped to holes, plus a third -person view, which does not help immersion. The third is equally broken windows, and this indicates a weak physical model (this is a joke, just something third was asked, but there is little information so far). In my modest opinion, the game remains to hope only on the Wow effect and uniqueness of the setting. In fact, the environment should be So interesting, So that we forgot about boring hide and seek and moronic American special forces. It all depends on the sand. And the rest we have seen more than once.