Mercenaries 2: World in Flams: Review

You watched "Team a"? The series was, by the way, the series. He talked about the adventures of the team of former special forces convicted of a crime that they did not commit. Having lost the support of the government, the innocent A-team stifled a bunch of weapons and a van with the latest technology, and then rushed to homelessness in America, interrupting random earnings. They paid mainly for the salvation of all entrepreneurs who crushed criminal elements. In each series they were locked in a hermetic room, and they, demonstrating directly to the doctoral knowledge in an electrician and plumbing (and even in political science), built a mechanical monster and won everyone. Ask why we told you all this? Yes, because Mercenaries 2 looks like that. With a light, true of capitalism.

In cash We Trust

So, before us are loving crispy pieces of paper mercenaries, a beautiful fauna and a restless atmosphere. There are no fundamental differences in choosing a protege-just someone runs faster, someone drags more cartridges or heals wounds on the move. But on an external basis, it is simple to distinguish: an experienced man with a Iroquois, a warrior warrior with a fused cigar stuck in his mouth (there is an assumption that everyone who does not allow you to light) and a slender lady of Asian appearance.

And so, it means that this trinity works together and performs the tasks of a financially secured man – this is desperately to pull out a friend in a cap of captivity nailed to his head.
Fulfills and does not get anything in return, because they just set it up. They even wanted to shoot, but you won’t take the mercenary with your bare hands and legs, therefore, having received a bullet in the buttock, he still runs away. The first task is to take revenge. The second is to make money at the same time.

Once on game open spaces, you are slightly given a diva: it looks like everything is beautiful and entertaining! Auto and motor lovers drive through the streets, they are fired from somewhere in the unlimited uniforms, there are completely luxurious villas and wonderful painted landfills around (except that the Bump-Mepping is slightly intrusive). Slightly, you know, contrasts with the videos in which it does not smack "Siliconographic", And the real one "3D max" and a tired modeller/animator, which is all Renderi on this. In a word, locations are professionally made, and the videos are by no means.

Also, almost any object can be blown up, divided and so on. The grenade launcher sometimes just lying on the road – and shells to it in excess. Believe me, when the first rocket in the baby carries some naked non -ant man of granite (and does not leave a simple stain on it), then something is pleasantly rumbling inside. Apparently, a long-term desire to see such destruction at least in some game. There are also aircraft shows of critical power and even nuclear charges with which (sic!) you can equal the whole city with the Earth. Of course, not for free.

It is difficult to die in Mercenaries 2. To do this, you need to purposefully climb under the bullets of uncomfortable opponents and literally go to the explosives – otherwise. It even comes to curioses – from an exploded flame of the truck, a mercenary crawls out with a powerful flame, crawls at the assignment of the keyboard to the nearest bushes and after 10 seconds, already unscathed, pouring surprised opponents with a pig of surprised opponents.

There are also pressing buttons to speed (among the people – QTE) – a hefty pumped Negro climbs on a tank, a funny uncle with a gun crawls out of the colossus and lets him a bullet in his heart because we did not understand which button we need to press. But the unlucky attack aircraft loses 3 (three!) health point, rises to his feet and continues to perform a feat. As a result, he will remove a grenade from the uncle belt, trample the poor man inside the tank and feed it "lemon". And then he will climb inside, not paying attention to the huge temperature and other powder gases inside the cabin, in order to take revenge on a couple of dozens of soldiers.

And there would be our guest today’s ideal remedy of relaxation, if not for the strange management. The sight here has the ability to late behind the mouse. On the motorcycle you can crash anywhere, but do not get to the point of arrival. There is no need to talk about various stuck – a standard defect in huge levels.

Mercenaries 2 – not typical "GTA in Hawaii" and not even a just cause clone. This is a film in which you just need to look at the WAU effects and actively lay out the stacks of armed evil. The raid of dishonesty and venality hides a cheerful and uncomplicated shooter under it, which can be launched, disposed and turned off until the next time without searching for ornate dialogs and extra details. Such games are needed.

Pros: Funny!
Cons: Not the most convenient management – we recommend a